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Amy Corderoy

Amy Corderoy

Health Editor, Sydney Morning Herald

Amy Corderoy was Health Editor for The Sydney Morning Herald. Before working at the Herald she worked as a freelance journalist and radio presenter, as well as writing for a number of publications for doctors.Connect via Twitter or email.

Kangaroo fillet.

Kangaroo meat fails basic hygiene tests

Investigations by the NSW Food Authority have found numerous breaches of hygiene and safety rules that prevent cross-contamination of kangaroo meat.

  • Amy Corderoy
The US Food and Drug Administration is looking to ban artificial trans fat in processed food.

Trans fats should be banned, say Australian experts

Australian experts are calling for a ban on harmful 'trans fats' after US authorities announced the artificial fats would be phased out.

  • Amy Corderoy
Dirty bomb: Mark Taylor and Damian Gore test the soil in the backyard of Tilly Boleyn and Rick Calder (in background with infant daughter Saskia) for lead levels.

Lead threat to children from home veggie patches

Inner-city families are unwittingly exposing their children to the risk of sickness and even brain damage from lead hidden in backyard soil and old paint, a study has found.

  • Amy Corderoy
Dry green tea leaves at Nanfang tea market Guangzhou, Guangdong, China.

Green tea extract has anti-cancer potential

A green-tea extract could help destroy deadly childhood cancers that are resistant to traditional chemotherapy, ground-breaking NSW research has discovered.

  • Amy Corderoy