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Five easy ways to up your protein on a vegan diet

Kimberly Gillan

There are plenty of ways for vegans to hit daily protein targets.
There are plenty of ways for vegans to hit daily protein targets.iStock

This is sponsored content for Gold & Green Foods

Along with carbohydrates and fats, protein is an essential macronutrient in a well-rounded diet.

But while we often associate protein with animal products, accredited practising dietitian Dr Joyce Haddad, director of A Dietitian's Mission, says there are plenty of ways for vegans to get their recommended intake.

With a bit of nutrition smarts and some forward planning, here's how you can easily hit your daily protein targets on a plant-based diet.


1. Eat it all day

Protein is made up of amino acids that are essential "building blocks" for our muscles, bones, hormones and enzymes.

There are nine essential amino acids that we need to consume for optimal health, and while meat products tend to contain all nine in one hit, most plant foods (with the exception of soy products, quinoa and amaranth seeds) do not contain the full spectrum.

So how can you make sure you hit the right protein mark? Eat a wide variety.

"We used to think that each vegan meal had to have a variety of different proteins, but now we know that as long as there's a variety throughout the day, that's what matters to get a complete mixture of protein," explains Dr Haddad.


"So, consume multiple types of legumes and multiple types of nuts, seeds and grains. Only when eaten in a variety over the day can these amino acids become 'complete'."

2. Keep protein on hand

A well-stocked pantry and fridge will ensure you've always got the protein goods ready to eat.

"The first category would be legumes, like beans, peas, lentils and chickpeas," Dr Haddad says.

"Then you've got nuts and seeds, soy products, such as tofu and tempeh, and wheat grains that aren't overly processed."


Canned legumes and tofu packets are a no-brainer for plant-based meals in a flash, as are Gold & Green pulled oats that simply combines Nordic oats, fava bean, pea protein, oil and salt to make a flavoursome protein base for tacos, casseroles and pasta dishes.

"Ready-made plant-based foods can be very convenient," Dr Haddad says. "But always take a look at the ingredients list and see how many ingredients are in there and prioritise whole foods."

3. Aim for balance

As important as protein is for our bodies, Dr Haddad says it's just one part of the nutrition "matrix" we need for stable energy and bodily repair.

"There's a misconception that we need lots of protein in our diet, but an average person needs less than one gram per kilogram of bodyweight – so a 70kg person needs less than 70g in a day," she explains.


With half a cup of lentils or beans containing 8g and 2tbs of peanut butter containing 7g, you can easily do the maths to start hitting your protein needs.

"It's actually quite easy to get enough protein in a day. Try not to focus on prioritising just one nutrient because we actually need all nutrients for optimal absorption," Dr Haddad says.

4. Twist your treats

Boost your protein with vegan treats like black bean brownies.
Boost your protein with vegan treats like black bean brownies.iStock

As plant-based eating grows in popularity, so too does the recipe innovation in the space.


"There are some great ways to use beans and lentils to make sweet things, such as black bean brownies and red lentil pancakes – you literally soak the lentils overnight in water, then blend them into a paste and fry them like a pancake. Serve them with some syrup or some fruit," Dr Haddad suggests.

"Flax seeds and chia seeds also make a really good alternative for eggs in baking."

5. Sprinkle some protein

Every vegan should have a stash of nutritional yeast on hand to easily add flavour and protein to meals.

"Nutritional yeast can be used in place of stock in soups and stews and as a flavouring on top of most savoury dishes, such as avocado on toast with seeds," Dr Haddad says.


"It's got a salty, cheesy taste and contains vitamin B12, which is otherwise quite impossible to get from vegan foods, and is another 'complete protein'."

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